Week VIII Invitational Grand Prix and U25 Invitational Specifications Finalized

by | Jan 23, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


1.50m National Standard Table II, Sec. 2(a)

The top 30 athletes based on prize money won in the following classes during Weeks I – VII will be invited. Five optional athletes at show manager’s discretion.

If an athlete has more than one horse entered in any of the following classes, it will be the athlete’s top placing that determines the money won from the class. The athlete may ride any horse in the $250,000 Invitational Grand Prix so long as the horse has competed in at least one of the following classes.

Week I: 

Class 415 $30,000 1.45m Grand Prix American Standard

Class 420 $100,000 National Standard

Week II: 

Class 415 $30,000 1.45m Grand Prix American Standard

Class 420 $200,000 National Standard

Week III: 

Class 415 $30,000 1.45m Grand Prix American Standard

Class 420 $100,000 National Standard

Week IV: 

Class 415 $30,000 1.45m Grand Prix American Standard

Class 420 $200,000 National Standard

Week V: 

FEI Diamond Tour class 820 $10,000 1.45m Welcome

FEI Diamond Tour class 821 $40,000 1.50m Speed

FEI Diamond Tour class 822 $100,000 1.55m Grand Prix

Week VI: 

FEI Diamond Tour class 820 $10,000 1.45m Welcome

FEI Diamond Tour class 821 $40,000 1.50m Classic

FEI Diamond Tour class 822 $150,000 1.55m Grand Prix

Week VII: 

Class 415 $30,000 1.45m Grand Prix American Standard

Class 420 $100,000 Grand Prix National Standard



1.45m Table II, Sec. 2 (a)

The top 15 athletes based on their prize money won during Weeks I through VII in class 615, a $1,000 U25 Jumper Classic to be held as an overlay to class 415, the $30,000 Grand Prix. Prize money awarded to top five athletes.

If an athlete has more than one horse entered in class 615, it will be the athlete’s top placing that determines the money won from the class. The athlete may ride any horse in the $15,000 U25 Invitational so long as the horse has competed at least once in class 615 from Weeks I-VII.