Erin Nichols (USA) and Elian Royale. Photo by Terri Miller
Following another great season, dressage will make a return to the desert for the 2024/2025 edition of Desert Dressage. Featuring two weeks of CDI Dressage World Cup Qualifying competition, Desert International Horse Park (DIHP) looks forward to welcoming dressage competitors back to the facility for a fourth year.
Desert Dressage will span two separate weeks, November 14-17, 2024, and January 2-5, 2025, both with qualifying competition for CDI-W / CDI3* / CDI2* / CDI1* / CDIU25 / CDIY / CDIJ / CDICh / CDIP / CDIAm / CDIYH.
“Competitors continue to enjoy coming to our park and the level of competition it provides, so we are thrilled to continue bringing a high level of dressage to West Coast athletes,” remarked Steve Hankin, President and CEO of DIHP. “Every year we make improvements to the property, which are always well received by the dressage community. We are proud to serve as a significant base for top dressage riders and horses, allowing them opportunities to compete at both the national and international levels.”
“With another successful season under our belts, we are very happy to again offer international competition with Desert Dressage at DIHP,” commented Thomas Baur, Sports Director – Dressage. “Each year our West Coast athletes go on to perform on some of the world’s greatest stages, thanks to their preparation at this fantastic venue. It truly has everything to offer as the premier destination for dressage on the West Coast and beyond so we are very excited heading into the 2024/2025 season.”
Along with the level of international competition this upcoming season comes the brand-new DIHP International Athlete Concierge Service, for those coming to the desert to assist in arrival and departure logistics, housing, transportation, recreation, and more. For more information please contact info@deserthorsepark.com.
Details regarding the schedule for each week of Desert Dressage will be shared as the dates draw closer. Please reach out to sponsor@deserthorsepark.com for sponsorship and vendor opportunities with Desert Dressage.