Dear Desert Circuit competitors,
Over the last three days we have been working closely with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, our on-site vets, and US Equestrian. As we previously announced, we confirmed three cases of non-neurologic EHV-1 in Barn 34 at DIHP and immediately isolated those horses in an isolation tent. Barn 34 was placed in quarantine.
Since Friday, we have been testing any horse with an elevated temperature per recommended protocols. Not unexpectedly, we have had two more positive cases of horses in Barn 34 that tested positive today. These were “weak” positives and these horses will be retested tomorrow. We have tested four horses in three additional barns that have had elevated temperatures and all have tested negative.
We have begun testing of the three horses in isolation. All are doing well, without symptoms, and one has already tested negative. The other two will be retested in two days. We have had no new reported horses with elevated temperatures, or other clinical symptoms, in the horse park since Monday morning at 8 am.
We remain very diligent in enforcing the required protocols and conducting the testing needed to contain and eliminate the virus at the horse park. We encourage everyone to follow best practices for bio security at home and when at any horse show. All the stalls vacated after Desert Circuit Week IV have been cleaned and will be sanitized prior to new horses coming into the horse park.
We appreciate your continued patience and support as we navigate the situation and get ready for the second half of the circuit. We are available to answer any questions. You can reach us at We will continue to provide additional feedback as factual information becomes available.