Dear Desert Circuit competitors,

As we reported yesterday, we had two new horses with elevated temperatures. Both of these horses were tested. We have received the results from one of the horses tested and the result was negative. The results from the second horse tested will be available tomorrow.

No other horses were identified with fevers that required testing today.

We submitted ten swabs for retesting to the CDFA today. Of these, four are retests of horses that have tested negative thus far. These tests are being done to identify delayed shedding by horses that have had an identified fever. Six of the tests submitted were to understand the status of horses that previously tested positive. We will share the results of these tests tomorrow.

We have received our first shipment of Platinum Performance Equine + Additional Zinc and Lysine PAKs. They are available for purchase on our feed store website and can then be picked up at Tack Warehouse. I want to thank USEF, Platinum Performance, and Tack Warehouse for their incredible help in getting this product here so quickly and for assisting in its distribution.
