Dear Desert Horse Park competitors,
We sent seventeen samples to the CDFA for testing yesterday and received the results today.
Two of the 17 samples tested were for horses with first-time reported fevers. Both tested negative. These two horses will be tested again on Friday to ensure they remain EHV-1 negative.
Three of the 17 samples were from horses that had previously tested positive. Two of these horses tested negative. Both of these results were first-time negatives. These horses will be tested again in seven days.
Twelve of the 17 samples were from horses that had previously tested negative. Three of these horses tested positive and will be moved to isolation. The related barns will be placed into quarantine.
We did record a positive test today outside of the samples that we submitted to the CDFA for testing. A horse without an elevated temperature, but with other non-EHV-1 typical clinical symptoms, had a full respiratory panel sent to UC Davis. As is typical, an EHV-1 test was included in the respiratory panel and the test came back positive. That horse has been moved to isolation and the barn will be placed into quarantine.
We had one new horse with an elevated fever reported today. This horse was swabbed but the results will not be available until the day after tomorrow.
We have four samples we have submitted for testing of horses that are currently in isolation. Three of the four are awaiting their second negative test and will be released from isolation should the tests come back negative.
We will have a town hall meeting in VIP at 11 am tomorrow morning.