$1,000,000 Coachella Cup FEI 5* Grand Prix Sponsored By Brown Advisory
Join us for the iconic million-dollar class, the Coachella Cup FEI 5* Grand Prix!
More Events are Coming!
Trivia Thursdays
Trivia Thursdays
Join us for weekly trivia hosted by Dacoda Miracle. Teams can have a maximum of 6 members. Prizes for the winning team each week!
$200,000 Major League Show Jumping 5* Team Competition Sponsored by Premier Equestrian
$200,000 Major League Show Jumping 5* Team Competition Sponsored by Premier Equestrian
Join us for the final leg of the Major League Show Jumping 5* Team Competition. See who will take the title in 2024!
$1,000,000 Coachella Cup FEI 5* Grand Prix Sponsored By Brown Advisory
6:00 pm - 8:00 pmVenue
Grand Prix Arena
6:00 pm - 8:00 pmVenue
Grand Prix Arena